(609) 531-2206

Our Policies

Notice of Nondiscriminatory Policy

IABC Inc. admits students of any race, color, and national or ethnic origin to all the rights, privileges, programs, and activities generally accorded or made available to its students and does not discriminate on the basis of race in administration of its educational policies, admissions policies, and other school administered programs.

IABC Uniform Policy

The Islamic Academy of Burlington County believes that a mandatory school uniform policy will provide a more secure school environment, promote an atmosphere for greater discipline, and increase learning opportunities for students by removing many of the distractions and connotations associated with various types of clothing.

All Students (PRE-K and up) are required to wear uniforms to class. Parents are responsible for ensuring that their children wear the designated school uniform clothing as outlined below.

Students shall be expected to maintain a neat, clean, and well-groomed appearance at school.


  • Loose fit School Pants–Navy Blue
  • Dress shirt or oxford shirt with collar –Navy Blue or Light Blue


  • Jumpers-Navy Blue (full shoulder to knee length)
  • White or Navy Shirt/Blouse (loose, full sleeve)
  • Loose Navy Blue Pants (plain)
  • White or Light Blue Scarves (solid plain)
  • Plain Navy Jilbab – 7th and Up (to be worn either in lieu of uniform including to and from school OR along with the uniform to be worn outside of sisters area including to and from school)
  • Younger Girls are allowed to wear plain navy Jilbab on Fridays only
  • Girls may wear stud earrings only


  • Full Length Socks-Solid Light Blue, Navy Blue, Black or White (NO Anklets and other short socks)
  • Black or white shoes (dress shoes or plain sneakers, without images, are acceptable)

Cold Weather Apparel

  • Outerwear coats, jackets, and windbreakers may be of any color (NO IMAGES)
  • Innerwear must be navy blue or black (sweaters, pullovers, cardigan or vests are the only accepted innerwear during cold weather)

Not Allowed

The following are not appropriate and will be considered a violation of IABC Uniform Policy.

  • Extreme hairstyles
  • No half-shaven designs or layered haircuts for boys
  • Hair should not extend below the eyebrows or ears for boys
  • No jeans (especially under abayas or jilbabs)
  • No shorts on campus AT ANYTIME
  • No sagging, oversized, or tight-fitting clothes
  • No images (movie/cartoon characters, etc.) other than the school logo
  • No caps, hats, or hoods, except for Kufis
  • No jewelry of any type during any school activities, with the exception of stud earrings for girls
  • Bracelets of any kind are not allowed
  • Girls may not wear make-up, perfume, artificial nails or nail polish (including clear nail polish and lip gloss).
  • Nails must be kept trimmed and neat. Long nails are not permitted.
  • No open-toed shoes (“flip flops”, sandals, etc.)
  • No high-heel or colorful fashion shoes
  • No non-prescription sunglasses

Determination of Violations

The administration will determine if the uniform policy has been violated. Any prohibited items of clothing will be taken by school officials and returned to the parent or guardian only.

Consequences of Violations

Contact parents or guardian and allow them the opportunity to bring the missing item(s) to school, or allow them to take the child home to dress in the proper uniform.

Electronic Device Policy

Cell phones, iPods, MP3 Players, or any other electronic devices are not allowed at any time anywhere on campus.  Students who fail to comply with this policy will have their personal electronic device confiscated by any staff member.

The following disciplinary actions will be taken with students failing to comply with this policy:

  • First occurrence – The device will be returned during a parent conference.
  • Any further violation of this policy will result in confiscation and further disciplinary action, including (but not limited to) suspension.

IABC assumes no liability or financial responsibility for theft, loss, costs, and expenses arising out of any liability or claim of liability for damage to any personal electronic device.

Picture Taking/Video Making Policy

As an extension to the electronic device policy taking pictures or making videos is not permitted on the IABC campus at anytime.  This policy is intended to minimize the effects of a prevalent culture of imagery.  For a further understanding of this school policy please refer to the following link: http://www.islam-qa.com/en/ref/365/tasweer

Calculator Use Policy

Use of Calculator is not permitted at any time for school assignments including IXL Skills in school or at home for PreK – 8th Grade Students.

High School Students are permitted the use of Scientific Calculators for specific assignments ONLY.

IABC Internet Usage Policy

The Internet is a powerful tool and as with all tools requires safety measures. The internet use policy shall address the following concerns:

  • Productivity: losses due to staff/students spending time on sites with little work-related content
  • Security risks: from unsecure sites and from legitimate sites that have been compromised
  • Bandwidth losses: from people downloading large files or watching streaming media.


The Internet is a constantly growing worldwide network of computers and servers that contain millions of pages of information.  Many of these pages include offensive and inappropriate (Unislamic) material.  Even innocuous search requests may lead to sites with highly offensive content. Staff/Students and users (herein referred to as “Users,” or “User”) accessing the Internet agree that material viewed or downloaded by users from the Internet must be pertinent work-related material and approved by the Internet Usage Policy. To maximize productivity & minimize risks, your use of the Internet at the IABC is governed by the following policy:

Permitted Use of Internet and IABC Computer Network

The computer network is the property of the IABC and is to be used for legitimate purposes. Users are provided access to the internet to assist them in the performance of their job/assignments. All Users have a responsibility to use the IABC’s computer resources and the Internet in a professional, lawful and ethical manner. Abuse of the computer network or the Internet, may result in disciplinary action, including possible termination, and civil and/or criminal liability.

Computer Network Use Limitations

Prohibited Activities

Without prior written permission from the IABC, the IABC’s computer network may not be used to disseminate, view or store commercial or personal advertisements, solicitations, promotions, destructive code (e.g., viruses, etc.) or any other unauthorized materials. At all times users are responsible for the professional, ethical and lawful use of the computer system. Personal use for example personal emails (not related to school) of the network/internet is not permitted.

Illegal Copying

Users may not illegally copy material protected under copyright law or make that material available to others for copying. You are responsible for complying with copyright law and applicable licenses that may apply to software, files, graphics, documents, messages, and other material you wish to download or copy. You may not agree to a license or download any material for which a registration fee is charged without first obtaining express permission.

Communication of Trade Secrets

Unless expressly authorized to do so, Users are prohibited from sending, transmitting, or otherwise distributing proprietary information, data, trade secrets or other confidential information belonging to the IABC. Unauthorized dissemination of such material may result in disciplinary action as well as substantial civil and criminal penalties under State and Federal Economic Espionage laws.

Accessing the Internet

To ensure security, avoid the spread of viruses & malware, and to maintain the IABC’s Internet Usage Policies or Acceptable Use Policies, users may only access the Internet through a computer attached to The Company’s network and approved Internet firewall or other security device(s). Bypassing The Company’s computer network security by accessing the Internet directly by personal connections such as (but not limited to) Cellular Networks, Wimax, modems, or proxy avoidance techniques or by any other means is strictly prohibited.

Frivolous Use

Computer resources are not unlimited. Network bandwidth and storage capacity have finite limits, and all Users connected to the network have a responsibility to conserve these resources. As such, Users must not deliberately perform acts that waste computer resources or unfairly monopolize resources to the exclusion of others. These acts include, but are not limited to, sending mass mailings or chain letters, spending excessive amounts of time on the Internet, playing games, engaging in online chat groups or other social media (Facebook, Twitter, etc.), uploading or downloading large files, accessing streaming audio and/or video files, or otherwise creating unnecessary loads on network traffic associated with non-approved uses of the Internet.

Virus Detection

Files obtained from sources outside the IABC, including USB flash drives brought from home, files downloaded from the Internet, newsgroups, bulletin boards, or other online services; files attached to e-mail, and files provided by customers or vendors, may contain dangerous computer viruses that may damage the IABC’s computer network. Users should never download files from the Internet or accept e-mail attachments from outsiders without the approval of an administrator/supervisor. If you suspect that a virus has been introduced into the IABC’s Network, notify the administration immediately.

No Expectation of Privacy

Users are given computers and Internet access to assist them in the performance of their jobs/school work. Users should have no expectation of privacy in anything they create, store, post, send or receive using the IABC’s computer equipment. The computer network is the property of the IABC and may be used only for official purposes.

Waiver of Privacy Rights

User expressly waives any right of privacy in anything they create, store, post, send or receive using the company’s computer equipment or Internet access. User consents to allow IABC personnel access to and review of all materials created, stored, sent or received by User through any IABC computer or Internet connection.

Monitoring of Computer and Internet Usage

The IABC has the right to monitor and log and archive any and all aspects of its Computer system including, but not limited to, monitoring Internet sites visited by Users, monitoring file downloads, and all communications sent and received by users.

Blocking Sites With Inappropriate Content or Non-productive Content

The IABC has the right to utilize hardware and software that makes it possible to identify and block access to Internet sites containing material deemed inappropriate/irrelevant.

Visitors Policy

All visitors/parents/volunteers must enter the facility from the appropriate respective entrance (Brothers/Sisters) and report directly to the respective office (Brothers/Sisters office) before going to any area of the school building or grounds.

Visitors should not at any time interfere with the teacher’s directions, lessons or classroom management. Visitors should also stay clear of interrupting or involving themselves in the daily routine of the students, classroom and school activities. Your cooperation will help us provide a safe and orderly environment for children and staff.

School personnel may require photo identification from anyone who comes to school to pick up a child other than the parents.

Attendance Policy

New Jersey State Law requires that all children between the ages of 7 and 16 attend school regularly.

Parents/guardians must ensure student attendance and punctuality.

Please arrange family vacations when school is not in session. Unauthorized absences from school, lateness to school or early dismissals from school, should not be condoned and every effort shall be made to eliminate the cause of these problems.

Absence, tardiness or early dismissal from school before the end of the school day shall be excused for the following reasons:

  1. Student illness (parent note required)
  2. Death in the student’s family (parent note required)
  3. Doctor or dental appointments (doctor’s note required)
  4. Court appearances (legal documentation required)
  5. Other unforeseen circumstances (parent note required)

If the requested notes are not received, the absence will count as an unexcused absence. If students return to school with documentation as listed above, the absence will be recorded as excused.

When the child returns to school after any absence, the child must bring a note from home to his/her homeroom teacher which includes: the date, reason for absence, specific dates of absence, and signature of parent or guardian. All absences shall be recorded on the student’s report card.

Excessive Absences

A student who misses 5 or more days of school in a semester is considered “excessively absent.” At the secondary level, excessive absences may result in the denial of credit for the semester. At the elementary level, excessive absences may result in a recommendation for retention, based upon the reasons for absences, the amount of missed instruction, and the adverse academic impact.

Make-Up Work

A student with excused absences for one of the reasons listed shall have to make up work within four (4) days in order to receive credit for that work. A student with unexcused absences may or may not receive retake tests or credit for their missed assignments.

Arrival Procedures & Tardiness

School will open for students at 8:00 AM and students must be in homeroom by 8:10 AMStudents arriving after 8:10 AM need to be signed in and removed from the absentee list. (Fathers are requested to sign in at the Brothers’ Lobby and mothers at the Sisters’ Lobby)

**Tardy Slip issued by the School Office will be required in order to enter the Classroom.

Tardy Fines

Students arriving after the start of school (8:10 AM) risk disrupting classroom activities, distracting other students, and become lax about responsible time management and respect for other peoples’ time.

In an attempt to eliminate tardiness, students/parents will be penalized as following:

Please keep in mind the penalties are for unexcused tardies for each month of the school year.

1st Offense –              No penalty with WARNING

2nd & 3rd Offense –      Parents will be charged $10.00 per child. This fine will be used as a donation and placed in the IABC Sadaqah fund. An invoice will be issued.

4th Offense –           Parent/teacher meeting required before returning to school along with other disciplinary action as mentioned below.

Excessive (Unexcused) Tardies/Absences

In addition to tardy fines, the following disciplinary actions will be taken for students that are chronically absent or tardy (defined as 4 or more tardies in a month or 4 or more absences in a month).

  1. Parent/teacher meeting & in-school suspension
  2. Parent/teacher meeting & suspension for 3 school days
  3. Parent/teacher meeting & expulsion

Dismissal Procedures and Early Dismissal:

Listed below are the dismissal times for IABC.

Day Dismissal Time Latest Pick Up Time***
Monday – Thursday 3:30 PM 3:45 PM
Friday 11:30 AM – 12:30 PM
After Jumu’ah Khutbah – 1:45 PM
2:15 PM
*** NO DISMISSALS on Friday from 12:30 PM – 1:45 PM

Parents must notify the dismissal coordinator (standing at the end of the driveway) of their arrival and who they are picking up.

Parents who are picking up (only) students in 2nd grade or younger must come inside (to the respective side) to receive their child(ren).

Late Pick-Up Charge

Late Pick-Up Charge (after 3:45 PM):     $10.00

Early Dismissal

Any departure before 3:20 PM will be marked as Early Dismissal.

Please try not to request early student dismissal. If a student needs to leave school early, parents must submit a written request with dismissal date and time. Telephone requests cannot be honored except for extreme emergencies. Parents must receive Early Dismissal Slip from the office to be submitted to the teacher before the student is permitted to leave his/her class.

Only parents, legal guardians, and those on the emergency contact list may pick a child up from school. Written notice is required by the parent in order to have someone other than the emergency contacts pick up their child from school.

Parent & Community Involvement

Parent and community involvement provides a strong & positive force in the academic success of our students. Research has shown that students benefit when parents, schools and community members work together collaboratively.  Islamic Academy of Burlington County requires that each family contributes a minimum of 50 hours throughout the school year. Please ask for the Volunteer Task Form for ways that you can contribute.

We ask that all volunteers stop by the office first to sign-in and receive a volunteer pass. The sign-in log  helps us keep track of time donated to the school.

Administering Medication

To request that medication, prescription or over-the-counter, be administered to your child during the school day, you must fill out a Parent’s Request to Administer Medication at School form. Medication cannot be administered to students without this completed paperwork. For your child’s safety, all medications must be brought to school by an adult.

The Parent’s Request to Administer Medication at School form can be obtained from the school office.

Emergency Contact Information

It is important for you to keep the school up to date on your address, work and home telephone numbers, as well as, the names of people to contact in case of an emergency. The school has the contact information on file that you submitted with your enrollment forms.  If any of the information changes during the course of the school year, including those people with permission to pick up your child from school, please contact the school office immediately. School personnel may require photo identification from anyone who comes to school to pick up a child.


In the case of a severe emergency, every effort will be made to contact the parent. If a parent cannot be contacted, school officials will take whatever means necessary to preserve the health of the child. Parents of any child with health problems that might cause a health emergency situation should be certain to notify the school of the problems and the procedures that would need to be followed should the child become ill at school.

Emergency School Closings, Early Dismissals & Late Openings

Changes to the school schedule caused by inclement weather or other emergency conditions are announced via text message and email between 6:00 AM – 7:00 AM, the information will also be listed on the school’s website. Your Text Message is the best place to check for accurate, up-to-date information on school closings.


Noncustodial parents retain full parental rights relative to their child’s education unless these are limited by a court document, or other legally binding document, which must be filed with the school. A child will be released to either parent unless a court document limiting parental rights is filed with the school.

Student Records

As a parent or guardian of a minor, you have the right to review and inspect your child’s education records. If you wish to review your child’s education records, you should make an appointment with the school administrator. If you have concerns about the content or accuracy of the education records, please contact the Office.


It is totally unacceptable for anyone at the Islamic Academy of Burlington County to ever bully or intimidate another student.

Bullying includes repeated verbal or non-verbal behaviors with the intent to cause physical, emotional/psychological or social harm. Bullying may be direct: for example, hitting, dirty looks, public embarrassment, or extortion. Bullying can also be indirect: for example, gossip and rumors or exclusion.  Bullying behaviors that are not addressed generally escalate into more aggressive behaviors over time. Therefore, these behaviors will be taken seriously and addressed immediately, and appropriate disciplinary action will be taken against the offender.


If any student assaults another student or assaults any member of the IABC staff, the student will be suspended and, depending on the nature of the assault and the student’s disciplinary history, may be referred to the Administration for expulsion. No excuses! If a student is suspended, parents will be called and the student must be picked up immediately.


Bystanders can often add to the bullying problems. IABC encourages all of our students to not be a silent witness to bullying incidents. When it comes to bullying, if students are not part of the solution they can inadvertently and unknowingly become part of the problem. Bullies will often believe that in not speaking out against them, that their classmates are, in fact, supportive of their bullying. It takes courage to do the right thing and speak out against bullies and bullying!

Food Policy

Students at IABC are taught the importance of not wasting food. The lunch attendants monitor the students to be sure that they have eaten their lunch (all perishable items) and do not allow them to throw away any food. If the child refuses to eat he/she will be kept inside and not allowed to participate during recess until his/her food is finished. Please remember to pack your child a healthy and wholesome lunch that he/she will readily eat with few or no snacks in order to avoid delays prior to recess.


Independent study is essential to developing life-long learners. IABC issues homework for students as extra practice and reinforcement of what the students learn during the school day. Students may have homework assignments from multiple teachers, so parents should check their child’s planner and the school’s parent’s portal for homework assignments daily.

Students are responsible for submitting their homework complete, neat and on-time. Missed/incomplete homework assignments may result with the following disciplinary action:

–          In school detention

–          Points taken off possible grade

In-School / Recess Detention Policy

Students who have missed homework assignments or are demonstrating behavioral problems will receive in school detention. The student will lose the right to participate in recess and shall be assigned to a room to complete classroom work provided by the teacher who issued the punishment. The students that have been penalized with in-school detention shall not communicate with other students (talk, write notes, etc.), nor sleep, eat, etc. in the classroom. Non-cooperation may result in further disciplinary actions.

Communication with Families

IABC welcomes communication between the school, parents and students. We all share in the responsibility of raising our children to excel in all areas of life. While we encourage parents to volunteer and take an active role in the school and community on a regular basis, we also have specific events that bring us all together as a group, as well as, methods you can use to contact IABC Staff individually, if you need one-on-one attention. Below are the ways you may contact us during the school year.

Parent Orientation – This event is held at the beginning of the year (see school calendar for exact dates), and is a way for the parents and students to familiarize themselves with the school facility, administration, and staff.

Parents’ Portal – Sign in to the FACTS Family Portal for up-to-date school and student information.

Email – Please feel free to email the school at admin@islamicabc.com with any questions or concerns that do not need immediate attention.

Text – In situations that need immediate attention during the school day, please text the IABC administration.

Parent-teacher conference – Conferences are held twice a year (see school calendar for exact dates).

Report Cards – Report Cards are distributed twice a year, once in the fall with mid-term grades and final grades will be issued in the spring.