School Dress Code/Uniform Policy
The Islamic Academy of Burlington County believes that a mandatory school uniform policy will provide a more secure school environment, promote an atmosphere for greater discipline, and increase learning opportunities for students by removing many of the distractions and connotations associated with various types of clothing.
All Students (PRE-K and up) are required to wear uniforms to class. Parents are responsible for ensuring that their children wear the designated school uniform clothing as outlined below.
Students shall be expected to maintain a neat, clean, and well-groomed appearance at school.
- Loose fit School Pants–Navy Blue
- Dress shirt or oxford shirt with collar –Navy Blue or Light Blue
- Jumpers-Navy Blue (full shoulder to knee length)
- White or Navy Shirt/Blouse (loose, full sleeve)
- Loose Navy Blue Plants (plain)
- White or Light Blue Scarves (solid plain)
- Plain Navy Jilbab – 7th and Up (to be worn either in lieu of uniform including to and from school OR along with the uniform to be worn outside of sisters area including to and from school).
- Younger Girls are allowed to wear plain navy Jilbab on Fridays only.
- Girls may wear stud earrings only
- Full Length Socks-Solid Light Blue, Navy Blue, Black or White (NO Anklets and other short socks)
- Black or white shoes (dress shoes or plain sneakers, without images, are acceptable)
Cold Weather Apparel
- Outerwear coats, jackets, and windbreakers may be of any color (NO IMAGES)
- Innerwear must be navy blue or black (sweaters, pullovers, cardigan or vests are the only accepted innerwear during cold weather
Not Allowed
The following are not appropriate and will be considered a violation of IABC Uniform Policy.
- Extreme hairstyles
- No half-shaven designs or layered haircuts for boys
- Hair should not extend below the eyebrows or ears for boys
- No jeans (especially under abayas or jilbabs)
- No shorts on campus AT ANYTIME
- No sagging, oversized, or tight-fitting clothes
- No images (movie/cartoon characters, etc.) other than the school logo
- No caps, hats or hoods, except for Kufis
- No jewelry of any type during any school activities, with the exception of stud earrings for girls
- Bracelets of any kind are not allowed
- Girls may not wear make-up, perfume, artificial nails or nail polish (including clear nail polish and lip gloss).
- No open-toed shoes (“flip flops”, sandals, etc.)
- No high-heel or colorful fashion shoes
- No non-prescription sunglasses
Determination of Violations
The administration will determine if the uniform policy has been violated. Any prohibited items of clothing will be taken by school officials and returned to the parent or guardian only.
Consequences of Violations
Contact parents or guardian and allow them the opportunity to bring the missing item(s) to school, or allow them to take the child home to dress in the proper uniform